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Data Transfer Instructions in 8085

Data transfer instructions copies data from a source to a destination without modifying the contents of the source.

They perform the following six operations:

  • Load an 8 bit number in a register.
  • Copy from register to register.
  • Copy between I/O and accumulator.
  • Load 16-bit number in a register pair.
  • Copy betwwen register and memory.
  • Copy between registers and stack memory.

The complete list of data transfer instructions in 8085 is described in the following table.

MVI R, 8-bit 2-byte instruction.
Loads the 8 bits of the second byte into the register specified.
MVI A, 57H
MOV Rd, Rs 1-byte instruction.
Copies data from source register Rs to destination register Rd.
MOV R, M Copy the data byte into register from the memory specified by the address in HL register. MOV B, C
MOV M, R Copy the data byte from register into the memory specified by the address in HL register. MOV B, C
OUT 8-bit (port address) 2-byte instruction.
Sends the contents of the accumulator to the output port specified in the second byte.
OUT 35
IN 8-bit (port address) 2-byte instruction.
Accepts data from the input port specified in the second byte, and loads into the accumulator.
IN 15
LXI Rp, 16-bit Load 16-bit number in a register pair LXI B, 2050H
LDA 16-bit Copy the data byte into A from the memory specified by 16-bit address LDA 1050H
STA 16-bit Copy the data byte from A into the memory specified by 16-bit address STA 2070H
LDAX Rp Copy the data byte into A from the memory specified by the address in the register pair LDAX B
STAX Rp Copy the data byte from A into the memory specified by the address in the register pair STAX D
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