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Software Engineering Tutorial

Software engineering is a branch of engineering concerned with the creation of software products based on well-defined scientific principles, methods, and procedures. The end result of software engineering is a reliable and efficient software product. Our Software engineering tutorials will provide you a basic understanding of software products, the software design and development process, software project management, and design complexities, among other things.

Software Engineering Tutorials

Software and Software Engineering

Software Engineering Practice and Myths

Generic process model - framework activity, task set, process patterns

Process assessment and improvement

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Prescriptive process models - Waterfall model, Incremental process model, Prototyping & Spiral model

Specialized Process Models

Agile Development - Extreme Programming, SCRUM, Crystal, LEAM

Requirements and Requirements Engineering

Software Requirements Specification Template

Establishing the groundwork

Eliciting Requirements

Developing Usecases

Building the Requirements Model

Negotiating and Validating Requirements

Requirement Analysis

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