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Data Structure Programs in C

A data structure is a collection of data elements that provides an efficient method of storing and organizing data in a computer so that it can be used efficiently. Data Structures are essential components of many computer science algorithms because they allow programmers to handle data in an efficient manner. Learn Data structures by practicing data structure programs in c.

Programming Examples

Practice DSA programming examples in C.

Data Structure Programs in C

C program to reverse a string using pointers

Implement Pattern matching algorithm using C

C program to search an element in the 2-dimensional array

C program to append 2 arrays

Implement Binary search in C

Sparse matrix and triplet representation in C

Linked list creation in C

Deleting an element from a linked list in C

Creating a doubly linked list in C

Stack using array in C

C Program to evaluate a postfix expression

C Program to implement queue operations using array

C Program to Implement Queue using linked list

Exchange sort in C

Selection sort in C

Insertion sort in C