Aim: Implement binary search in C.
#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int arr[20],i,n,item,l=0,result=-1,r; printf("Enter the number of elements: "); scanf("%d",&n); printf("Enter elements in sorted order: "); for(i=0;i<n;i++) scanf("%d",&arr[i]); printf("Enter the item to be searched: "); scanf("%d",&item); r=n-1; while (l <= r) { int m = l + (r - l) / 2; if (arr[m] == item) result=m; if (arr[m] < item) l = m + 1; else r = m - 1; } if(result == -1) printf("Element not found in array"); else printf("Element found at position %d", result+1); return 0; }