A tree is a non-linear data structure that organizes data in a hierarchical structure and this is a recursive definition. It is a set of one or more nodes, with one node identified as the tree’s root and all remaining nodes partitionable into non-empty sets, each of which is a subtree of the root.
Since it is a non-linear data structure, different tree data structures provide for faster and easier access to the data.
Tree Terminologies
A node is a unit of data that contains a key or value as well as pointers to its child nodes.
The connecting link between two nodes is called a link.
The topmost node in a tree is called the root node. This is where the tree is originated from.
Parent Node
A parent node or ancestor is a node that has a branch from it to another node.
Child Node
A child node (descendant or successor) is a node that is a descendent of another node.
Sibling Nodes
Nodes that have the same parent are called sibling nodes.
Leaf Node and Internal Node
The node which does not have any child is called a leaf node or terminal node. The nodes having at least a child node is called an internal node.
Level of a Tree
Each step from top to bottom in a tree is referred to as the level of a tree.
The total number of children of a node is the degree of a node. The number of edges arriving at that node is called the in-degree of a node. The number of edges leaving that node is the out-degree of a node.
The highest degree of a node among all the nodes in the tree is referred to as the degree of the tree.
The total number of edges from the root node to a particular node is called the depth of that node.
The height of a node is the total number of edges that lie on the longest path from the node to any leaf node.
The height of a tree is the height of the root node.
Types of Tree
- Binary Tree
- Binary Search Tree
- AVL Tree
- B-Tree
- Expression trees
- Tournament trees
Applications of Tree
- To search an element in a set quickly, Binary Search Trees(BSTs) are used.
- Heap sort is done by a kind of tree called Heap.
- Tries are modified version of trees used to store routing informations in routers.
- Compiler use a syntax tree to parse program you write.
- Shortest path trees and spanning Trees are used in bridges and routers.