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Sequential Circuits

Combinational circuits produce an output based on the values of current input variables only. In sequential circuits, the present output depends on the present input as well as the previous output (previous input variables). That is sequential circuits consist of memory elements capable of storing binary information. The state of a sequential circuit at a time is defined by this binary information stored.

Sequential Circuits

Examples of sequential circuits are flipflop, registers, counters, etc.

Types of Sequential Circuits

Based on the use of clock signal, Sequential circuits are classified into two.

Asynchronous Sequential Circuits

These circuits do not use a clock signal. Since there is no clock pulse these circuits are faster. The state is changed immediately when the input signal is changed.

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Asynchronous Sequential circuits

The output of these circuits are uncertain and they are difficult to design.

Synchronous Sequential Circuits

Circuits that use a clock pulse with their inputs is called a synchronous sequential circuit. These circuits are slower, because they have to wait for the next clock pulse to perform next operation.

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